Security Operations Center

We’ll be your eyes and ears

Our security operations center ensures 24/7 moniotring on all of your assets. We will respond to cyber threats around the clock so you can sleep soundly knowing your infrastructure is in good hands.

What is a Security Operations Center (SOC)?

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) serves as a security management system that gathers and assesses data from diverse origins, offering real-time insights into a network’s security. SIEM is employed to promptly identify and counteract security threats, while also scrutinizing historical data to uncover potential security incidents. It proves indispensable for organizations aiming to uphold a secure network environment. The implementation of a SIEM system demands meticulous planning and execution, considering factors like the network’s size and complexity, as well as the nature of the data requiring collection and analysis. SIEM onboarding and deployment services guarantee the system’s operational status and maximize its capabilities, ensuring a comprehensive utilization of the SIEM system.

Willsec’s Approach

Digital transformation is an integral component of our security operations center service. To align with your specific needs, WillSec adheres to the following set of practices during the implementation of its security operations center.

Gather Requirements

Design & Implement

Fine Tune


List of Deliverables

Willsec consistently strives to provide a security operations center implementation services that meet the unique requirements of our customers. The stages of our security operations center delivery encompass the following:

Vulnerability Assesment

Compliance Checking

Integrity Monitoring

Alerts & Integration

Phishing Detection

Office 365 Monitoring

Incident Response

Threat Intellegence